"The race is not for the swift, neither for the strong but for the man who can endure till the end."
Unlimited love, care and protection are hallmarks of good parenting. "Whatever you sow that shall you also reap." That is a profound biblical proverb!

The Paralegal profession
January 16, 2025
The paralegal profession in Jamaica is still at an emerging stage as we are accustomed to terms like law clerk and legal secretary.
The United States of America has given true meaning and purpose to the profession. In the USA an average paralegal earns $60, 000 - $80, 000 per annum while in Jamaica it is JA$2, 160,000 the equivalent of approximately USD16, 615 which is a huge disparity.
The roles and duties of paralegals have expanded to include freelancing and managing law offices when attorneys are absent. In fact, for a lawyer to look good in court he or she needs excellent legal support from the paralegal.
Nobody at this stage can treat paralegals as typists and secretaries as their roles are intricately integrated in to the law firms, government ministries, agencies and multinational corporations.
There are advanced degrees available at colleges and universities in the USA to empower paralegals. They have written books in Paralegal Studies and for every state there are numerous paralegal associations.
To date, I have not seen a paralegal book that is written and published in the Caribbean. Neither is there a paralegal association in Jamaica. May be I will have to take on a greater role to bring recognition to the profession.
By virtue of the training and roles of a paralegal he or she should earn a higher salary when compared to law clerks and legal secretaries. A fact that Jamaican attorneys failed to acknowledge.
A paralegal should have excellent communication and administrative skills. Being able to research legal problems and provide case laws and source legal articles that enunciate solid opinions. Then draft your documents in a meticulous and organized manner. You should have a trained pair of eye to detect omissions or any forms of error in documents.
Theoretical and practical training are also required to interpret legal language and draft documents with substantive contents such as facts, evidence, procedures, rules of the courts and your desired outcome.
You have to make lawyers know that you have a skill set that is in demand and your role is vital towards their survival in the business of law.
Clients want to be assured that you and the lawyers are equipped to solve their problems. That is what they pay for. Therefore, you have a duty to provide that confidence.
It is important to network around people who have a need for legal services. They will refer you to prospective clients.
While perfecting your craft, clients will increase in volumes. At that point you will start to earn the money that you truly wanted to further your career and enjoy a better quality of life.
Damion Coombs
Email: info@damioncoombswritersworld.com
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A budget presentation must include tangible programs and policies that will lead to prosperity for the masses. It should have sustainable effects that can generate economic opportunities. The budget must be crafted on practicability in order to secure the trust and confidence of the people.
Conceive your thoughts and take action!
Stay up late at nights and plan your life. Everything that you give serious consideration will manifest clearly as day light. I have seen such occurrence time after time.
On your journey there will be crevices, corners and rough edges. It's just apart of the navigation.
Stick to your passion. That ultimate feeling of satisfaction is crucial. It will get easier overtime as your willpower increases.
Exercise good judgment in your approach. It's a basic formula for winners.
Read consistently to nourish your brain and capabilities. The practice mode will bring great success!
Damion Coombs
Nothing of value in life is free. There is a price to pay.
If things aren't working out to your satisfaction switch course. Probably you are missing out on paradise.
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A lifetime of dedicated service towards human development is my ultimate satisfaction.
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A day at the river with friends
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Education is the safest route to a dignified lifestyle.